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Hyrox Performance Tips and Tricks: Indoor Rowing and Ski Erg Edition

Mar 14, 2023

2 min read




Hyrox is a global fitness competition that challenges athletes to complete eight different disciplines, including running, sled push, and burpee broad jumps, all in one workout. Two of these disciplines involve the use of Concept2 machines: indoor rowing and SkiErg. 

To help Hyrox athletes improve their performance on these machines, I’ve put together a list of tips and tricks specifically for the RowErg and SkiErg.

Use the ErgData app's target stroke rate feature to improve pacing in training

Hyrox races require athletes to complete several workout disciplines in a short amount of time, so proper pacing is essential. To practice for this, the ErgData app's Target Stroke Rate feature allows users to program a target stroke rate or cadence for their training pieces and displays it next to their actual rate throughout the workout. 

ErgData’s Target Stroke Rate can be helpful when workouts require frequent rate changes, and the app gently alerts users if their stroke rate falls above or below the prescribed target. Varying stroke rates within a workout can add interest and focus, improve fitness and health, and provide opportunities to check technique and power application.

Compete with others on the ErgData app's Real Time Loop feature

The ErgData app's Real Time Loop feature allows users to row, ski, or ride with others around the world in real-time on a virtual 1000-meter loop. The feature displays individual data and community real-time data, including total people on the loop, total countries represented, and all-time total kilometres.

Users can switch between two views: a close-up low-angle view that lets you see the avatars and country flags of the people closest to you and an overhead view of the entire 1000m loop with dots showing the location of other users. The feature also includes "pace bots" that travel at a steady pace to help users pace their workouts. This feature can be helpful for athletes looking to train with others or to practice their pacing in a race-like environment.

Perfect your rowing technique

Proper technique is crucial for efficient and effective rowing. To improve your technique, identify common errors such as bending the arms too early or lunging at the catch, and practice drills that target those specific areas. Consistently practicing good technique will lead to a more efficient and faster row.

Master SkiErg technique

Similar to rowing, proper technique is crucial for efficient and effective skiing on the ski erg. Videos provided by Concept2 can help athletes learn the double pole technique which involves driving the handles downward by engaging core abdominal muscles and bending knees. This is the technique which will be used by most Hyrox competitors.

Practice the "Put Your Hat On" cue for improved SkiErg performance

A common fault in new adopters of the SkiErg is leading the downward movement with the hands, rather than the head and chest. To correct this, try the "Put Your Hat On" analogy. This cue emphasizes core muscles over arm muscles, leading to maximum power generation and improved performance on the SkiErg.

By following these tips and tricks, athletes can improve their indoor rowing and ski erg performance for the Hyrox competition. Proper technique, pacing, and use of technology can help athletes achieve their best results on these challenging machines. 

Mar 14, 2023

2 min read





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